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Company held the table tennis competition

زمن:2019/6/21مصدر:Nanjing Rinchen International Trading Co., Ltd.
On June 21st afternoon, our company held the table tennis competition. The competition was divided into men's singles, women's singles and mixed doubles.
The colleagues of the company are actively involved and strive to make progress. Hope in the future, we can continue to fight for the company with this fighting spirit.

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  • العنوان: الغرفة 1401 ، الوحدة 1 ، المبنى 3 ، مركز المحيط الدولي ، 166 شارع تايبينغ الجنوبي ، نانجينغ ، ص.
  • Tel: 8625-84459868
  • Fax: 8625-84457868

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